CSC110 | Introduction to Computing 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | 100 Level Computer Science Status: Core |
Course Content | History of Computers, functional components of a computer, Characteristic of a computer, problem-solving, flowcharts and algorithms. The Internet. Social, ethical and professional issues of computing; software, hardware and networking development trend. Social application of computing; network communication, Internet piracy/ crime and computing technologies. Computer applications. |
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CSC111 | Programming Essentials 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | 100 Level Computer Science Status: Mandatory |
Course Content | System description techniques; flowcharts, algorithms, data flow diagrams, decision tables, etc., program development life cycle, errors. BASIC programming: statements, symbolic names; arrays, subscripts expressions and control statements. Introduction to Visual BASIC Programming Language |
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CSC120 | Use of Packages 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | 100 Level Computer Science Status: Core |
Course Content | Aims and objectives of packages, structure of packages, usage and areas of applications of packages, capabilities and limitations of popular packages. Distinction between packages and conventional computer languages. Practical sessions on the use of the following packages: Students will be exposed to the use of 4 packages from; (i). Spreadsheet: Lotus1-2-3 or MS Excel (ii). Word Processing: Word Perfect or MS-Word (iii). DBMS: Dbase, MS-Access or Oracle (iv). Design: MS-PowerPoint or CorelDraw or Auto CAD |
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CSC211 | Structured Programming in PASCAL3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, 100 Level MathsStatus: Core |
Course Content | Definition of Structured Programming, Declarations, Data Types. Programming; operations, built-in functions, strings, pointers, list processing, procedures, multi—tasking. Arithmetic rules and procedures. Structure of Pascal programs. Files in Pascal |
CSC212 | Symbolic Programming in FORTRAN 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, 100 Level MathsStatus: Core |
Course Content | Fundamentals of FORTRAN computation, constants, variables. Operations and expressions, function, assignment statement. Coding form, program writing. GO TO, IF, flowcharts, double precision, complex and logical variables, subscripts, dimension. File manipulation |
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CSC217 | Information Technology: Design, Policy & Application 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC111, CSC110, CSC120 Status: Mandatory |
Course Content | How to design information, technology, policy governing information technology; insurance and legal issues in information technology. Areas of application of information technology. Concepts of E-Technology (e.g. E-Commerce, E-Business). Safety in information technology |
Practical Sessions | Design techniques for information distribution |
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CSC237 | Information Interfaces & Presentation 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, CSC120 Status: Elective |
Course Content | General: Multimedia Information Systems; Animations, Artificial, augmented and virtual realities. Audio I/O; Evaluation/ methodology, Hypertext Navigation and Maps; Video;Users Interfaces; Auditory (non-speech) feedback: Benchmarking; Evaluation/ methodology; Graphical User Interface I/O strategies; Interaction styles, Natural Language Prototyping; Screen Design standardization; style guides Theory and Methods; user-centred design, User Interface Management Systems, Voice I/O Windowing Systems, Group and Organization Interface: Hypertext/ Hypermedia: Sound and Music Computing |
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CSC220 | Introduction to Data Processing 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110 Status: Core |
Course Content | Data processing concepts, Electronic data processing and computers, Files, Computer Applications, Information Systems, Staffing and system control, Communications, the Internet, current trends in computing; computer careers. |
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CSC222 | Assembly Language Programming I 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, CSC211, CSC212 Status: Core |
Course Content | Distinction between high level and Assembly language, use of memories. Computer Arithmetic; Number bases, binary, octal, decimal and hecadecimal number representations. Assembly Language programming techniques, simple (OS assisted) input/ output; data manipulation; program control; bit operations; interrupt handling and subprograms. |
CSC224 | Introduction to C and C++ Programming 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, CSC211, CSC212 Status: Mandatory |
Course Content | Simple programming concepts. Basic types, statements, operators and expressions in C and C++. Functions, Pointers, Arrays and References. Structured Types, Overloading, Input and Output. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ |
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CSC311 | Web Technology and Applications 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC220, CSC110, CSC212 Status: Elective |
Course Content | The Internet, intranet and web technologies; Overview of Systems development; Rapid Applications Development concept; Web Application Development Cycle; Web Application Architectures; Web Development Environments; Web Development Technologies such as Markup Languages; JavaScript, Java, VRML, VB Script, Active X, CGI, Database Connectivity, etc. Web Applications; Web Development using web-authoring tools; Database-Web Connectivity; Scripting Languages for Web Development; Web Application, Client-Server Technologies and infrastructure; Multi-tiered system design and implementation and current issues and trends; Major Web Application Development project. |
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CSC312 | Assembly Lang. Programming II and C Prog. 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC110, CSC212, CSC211 Status: Mandatory |
Course Content | Assemblers, compilers, interpreters and macros. More advanced assembly language programming. Interrupt handling and I/O memory resident programs. Procedure and arrays, further bit manipulation. Case studies. Elements of C programming: C program structure interface, data files and declarations. Operators, functions. File management, registers accessing. Reusable software, computation inheritance |
CSC333 | Human Computer Interaction 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC222, CSC220 Status: Elective |
Course Content | Introduction to basic principles and methodology for good user interface design, drawing on a background of human information processing and human factors. Techniques for user-centred analysis and design; use of prototyping tools, introduction to Usability Engineering and other evaluation methods; methods for enhancing system usability and systems ergonomics. |
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CSC313 | Data Structure & Information Manipulation 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC220, CSC212, CSC211 Status: Core |
Course Content | Data structure and representation. Binary trees, traversal algorithms, recursion, block programming techniques, searching and sorting algorithms, symbol tables and hashing, files: access methods and organization, Internal and External files, other types of trees. |
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CSC314 | Operations Research 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | MTH230, CSC212 Status: Core |
Course Content | LP Models, Simplex Method, Revised Simplex Methods and project from inverse; duality theorem. Dual Simplex Method, Integer programming models; parametric programming; special problems. The Transportation problem, applications. Game theory: 2 person 0-sum Game. |
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CSC316 | Introduction To Digital Design and Micro-processors 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | PHY224, CSC211, CSC212 Status: Core |
Course Content | Combinational Logic; sequential logic; Microprocessors and Micro computers |
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CSC318 | Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC220, CSC211 Status: Core |
Course Content | Meaning of alphabet; string, concatenation; language; levels of language. Grammar, Parsing. The FiniteState Automata. Turing Machines |
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CSC321 | Systems Analysis and Design 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC220, CSC212, CSC313 Status: Core |
Course Content | Planning projects. Feasibility Study. System Life Cycle. Design of computerized systems. Systems installation and maintenance. Decision tables in programming and Decision making. |
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CSC323 | Economics of Information Technology 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | None Status: Elective |
Course Content | Consideration of the economic aspects of IT from the point of view of systems managers, system users, the IT industry, and national policy makers. The role of IT in development. |
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CSC325 | Compiler Construction 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC312, CSC318 Status: Core |
Course Content | Logical analysis, lexical and syntactic analysis. Code generation, code optimization, translator-writing-systems, general language terminology. Precedence: operator precedence, II-parse, top-down and bottom-up parsing, grammars. |
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CSC328 | Discrete Mathematics, Network and Graph Theory 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | MTH230, CSC211, CSC212 Status: Core |
Course Content | Graph theory, undirected and directed graphs; partition and distance planar and non-planar graphs. Matrix representation. Applications from Network flow; LP and PERT, CPM switching network; shortest path; Algebras, algorithms, Monoids and machines, Lattice and Boolean Algebra, Groups, combinatorial logic and language |
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CSC419 | Research Seminar 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC329 Status: Core |
Course Content | Seminar topics chosen from a variety of computer areas including applications in various field, computer installation, staffing and administration, computer maintenance, software engineering, etc. ITF experience and Report to be presented alongside seminar report |
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CSC411 | Operating System 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC220, CSC312, CSC326 Status: Core |
Course Content | Design, adapting and implementation of operating systems, deadlock memory management, resource allocation, protection. Applications in actual systems e.g., Primos, UNIX, MS-DOS, XENIX, LINUX, etc. |
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CSC413 | Database Management Systems 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC313, CSC321 Status: Mandatory |
Course Content | Database systems development framework; database planning; logical and Physical database design. Query processing. Backup and recovery. Concurrency management; performance tuning, Database security, integrity and control. Database systems architectural frameworks: Client/ Server, Distributed and parallel database systems. Object-oriented databases. Knowledge base and database systems. Intelligent databases. Data and Database Administration; Data Warehouse database design; Web Database systems; Database programming languages. Current trends in database research and best practice |
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CSC418 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC211, CSC313, CSC321 Status: Core |
Course Content | Measuring of algorithm performance: time and space; worse case analysis, average case analysis; lower bounds. Techniques of efficient algorithm design: divide and conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, graph traversal. Illustration with topics from integer and polynomial arithmetic; matrix multiplication; random number generation; sorting; searching; graph and tree algorithms. Introduction to complexity theory. Parallel and randomized algorithms. |
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CSC424 | Simulation and Probability Models in OR 3 Credits |
Prerequisite | CSC314, MTH319, CSC328 Status: Elective |
Course Content | Various simulation models, simulation language (SIMULA, SIMSCRIPT, etc). Inventory control, production scheduling, Quality control, industrial simulation and forecasting. |
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